come unto jesus…
1989, this was the year Mt.Victory was founded by Kay & Al Aleman. They started with a vision to pursue the lost and provide a place for families to receive Godly intervention, from food banks to programs supporting the needy, it all was at work from the heart of Pastor Kay and Al. 3 years later Mt. Victory started renovating the first building we had own. Our first building was off of Baldwin Road, and was the first start to the ministry. People started coming in and getting saved and things started to take off. The church was growing, it was a special time. So as time went on we decided to pursue a larger building. At first, we bought the property right next to our first building and had prints made up to expand, but we felt that it wasn't enough space. After reconsidering the new space, an opportunity arose with a larger building off of East Montcalm in Pontiac, Michigan. As soon as this opportunity arose we took it! We started renovating and gutting the old bowling alley. It was a perfect space for the ministry to expand and reach even further into the community. Once we finished the renovations, the ministry took off and flourished just as we anticipated. About 7 years later a sudden problem arose which caused us to move out our Montcalm location. It wasn't what we would have wanted, but moving was the only option. Although we might have moved, our heart to reach the lost had not moved from us.
Today we stand with a brighter focus and determination to reach the unreachable and to spread the Gospel to all nations! We carry a more aggressive stance to take and receive what we have sown as we continue to raise people to live a victorious life. For this is our story.
The Founder of Mt. Victory Church

The woman of God behind the legacy of Mt. Victory Church
She was more than just a Pastor, but an aiding anchor to the lives of many people around her. Kay Aleman was loyal, steadfast, strong and compassionate. No matter the challenge, she saw it through with faith. It is because of that faith, Mt. Victory Church stands with this mission Pastor Kay imparted in us all. The mission to aid and empower others to see themselves as God see’s them, Victorious.