Leading people to victorious living


Leading people to victorious living .

Our Heart & vision

Our dream is to see a great harvest of souls come into the Kingdom of God. Our church is a safe place for people in our community to get directly connected with God. Our heart is to see a Body of Christ that flourishes in the gifts of the Spirit both in the church, and in all aspects of their personal lives. We’re equipping the saints, building strong families that are on fire for God and bringing Jesus into our community and beyond through our outreach ministry and supporting our missionaries.

God has deposited a dream in our hearts and we plan to see His Will for Mt.Victory to be fulfilled on earth. For several years, we have been standing on Mark 9:23 and Joel 2:28 and we wholeheartedly believe they are coming to pass.

What we’re believing for

  • Our Buildings & Properties (Filled, funded & furnished)

    • Monthly budget to be met; Church debt of $42,000 paid off

  • Short Term: 100 Members; 1,000 Strong Believers (Lovers of Christ)

    • We’ve partnered with Revival Ministries International’s S3 Mission. We’ve become a Soul Saving Station in our city – working together to WIN SOULS! “S3 Mission is an IGNITER for God's PEOPLE, a mobilizer for THE CHURCH, and a SICKLE thrust forth to reap the harvest.”

  • Worship Leader & band committed to glorifying God & leading His people into worship

  • Victory Youth & Lil’ Victorians to flourish & grow

  • Virtuous Women & Men of Valor to flourish & grow

  • Church transportation (15 seater vans)

  • All equipment, material & resource needs to be met

  • The Nation & Our Leaders

  • 100 Mt.Victory Church Partners to attach their faith to our ministry

  • More seed to sow into our Missionaries

  • Every Outreach Ministry need to be supplied


 If you would like to give towards these needs click the button below